Thursday, January 22, 2015

Kavita- a painful story

The gravity of the situation held me back from not taking an action.I met her at the local market a week ago.She was selling vegetables and somehow,i went towards her stall despite there were so many of them.I wanted to buy some  veggies for the dinner.As she was weighing some green peas for me,i tried to make a general conversation with her too.

people called her kavita,(name changed) and she was 17years.Almost 5feet 5inches and with her beautifully tanned skin and curvy body,she looked prettier than the average of her kind.There was a dimple on her right cheeck,when she smiled with her magnificiently carved lips.Her bright eyes were shining whilst she was responding to her customers too.The few curled up strands of her hair were hanging on the side of her face,and in her vain effort to keep them behind her shoulder.I took the veggies and handed her Rs.50.Meanwhile,i noticed few recent bruises on her hand when she extended her hand to receive the money.I was reluctant at first,but i boosted up my courage with my self motivation Theory.Hence i blurted out with my questionnaires.She turned pale and anxious,as if she suddenly contronted a ghost.I didn't want to embarass her anymore.So,i asked casually said sorry and left.Just when i reached few stalls ahead,i heard somebody calling Didi* from my behind.I turned around to erase my curiosity.To my astonishment,it was kavita.She was breathing heavily and was looking as if she just ran a marathon.Before i could ask anything,she told me to follow her unnoticeably.I did as told.We ended up in a quiet area with few slums.There was a tea corner.Tea never fails to tempt me.We entered inside the shop and i order 2 cups of tea.She sat opposite to me on a tea table.I still remember her face that day.There were lots of expressions blended on her face like her emotions perhaps.

She finally broke the silence with,"Didi,I wanted to talk to you in private regarding your questions." I said" Go on Kavita,you have my full attention." I wasn't sure what exactly was i doing there but i felt like,she needed me.And i,and only I could help her.She was tightly pressing her both hands and she was staring at one of the corners of the tea table.

It was 4 years back,when she lost her mother to some disease.Her mother had been bed-ridden for years.As an elder child,she had to do the household chores at a very tender age.Her father,a drunkard rickshaw driver,didn't care about them at all.She also had a 6years old brother.The nightfall,always brought terror to the her.Every night,after the demise of her mother,became a curse to her.Her father assaulted her physically and mentally.She would spend the rest of the night crying holding her baby brother.Her father had threatened to kill her and her brother if she would tell about his insane acts to anyone.She sealed her lips then.Sometimes,he would beat her to her unconsciousness.She laid crying with pain for days.This level of cruelty and barbarism continued for years.At the age,when a child is supposed to get love,protection and care from her/his parents,all they got was a very shameful misconduct from their father which has no justification from any moral standards.Tears rolled down my cheeks,when i tried to picturise her situation.Probably,the pain i tried to imagine needed to be multiplied ten times more as to compare how much hardships she must have gone through.One day,escaped from her house with her brother and came to stay at her aunt's place.She is grateful to her aunt,who provided shelter to them at their roughest times.Her aunt cried a lot too on hearing their bitter painful truth.Later,when her father came to get them,her aunt threatened him to charge case against him.That was the last time she saw her father.Her aunt helped her establish a small shop.She is hopeful to extend it soon and be a successful business woman in near future.Her brother goes to school and teaches her too,in the evening.She's happy now with her new life and tries her best not to let her past bother her future.I felt goosebumps throughout my body.I was still in shock.

There were questions in my head circling around.How could a father possibly treat his children that way?Do such people not have their proper functioning brain?What are the children supposed to do if they can't even trust their own father,the one who is regarded as the protector of our family.Its really a shameful and coward act.I didn't want to write this for nothing.I hope that every responsible parent/s tries to protect their children from such human-faced demons.Let truth and justice prevail.So,it is upto us to decide as to what sort of punishment do these demons be given?

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