Friday, April 3, 2015

Dreaming Hard..

A perfect winter day for me, is basking in the warm sun with my Strong Coffee,Phone and Wifi.And I'm enjoying my serene environment at the moment.I was planning to read the Cardiovascular system from Davidson's today.Eventually,I ended up reading just a page of the anatomy so far.I guess some days are just too slow and I'd like to accept this fact.

There are lots of things going on in my head right now.And I'm not sure which one exactly is  craving for my attention.This morning,my mom was coaxed at me.And the reason is,me being busy with my phone with my books opened.I kept silent though.I was reading the biography of few well known stars of Hollywood and was feeling pretty amused at their early lives.I noticed a few similarities of their past.All of them were different from their sibblings or their social circles.Some had even extremely hard life because of their odds while the rest had even way of life.The way they presented themselves and used their thought process,was jaw dropping.There were sacrifices, criticisms,hurt,pain,loneliness, abandonment and so much.Yet they carried themselves so strongly and followed their dreams till the success licked their shoes.Ultimately everyone starts to like them and value their same odds.some even copy their styles which ends up as a fashion.I find these social cycles very humorous.

we have numerous examples of such persona.There are people who overcame obstacles and difficult odds to attain significant achievement.
Such idols range from Politics like Nelson Mandela,Mahatma Gandhi,Elizabeth Fry,Rosa parks,Winston Churchill; Scientists like Albert Einstein,Thomas Edison,Stephen Hawking;Musicians like Beethoven,Bob Marley and famous Tv personalities like Gordon Ramsay,Bruce Willis,Anna Nicole smith,Oprah Winfrey,Gary Busey,Martha Steward,Jimmy Fallon and much more.The lists goes on and on.But the key point is that they've all had a very hard and grievous past.But they never stopped dreaming about their passion.Instead,it was a challenge they took it as and accomplished their dreams.

Dreaming,according to me,is the first step towards success.It helps us picturize our goals,the way to achieve it and broadens our vision.A child is the best  dreamer.He's always filled with enthusiasm and curious thoughts about everything.He's thoughts are  untamed by the narrowed-social-vision and fear of social stigma.A young mind if given proper love and encouragement,will conquer over his dreams and be useful to his kind.

एक सोच

एक भाव थियो मनमा,
एक आशा को किरण सोचमा,
रुमलिएर बसेका ती चार भित्ताहरुका माझ मा,
शरीर त होइन आत्माको  वेदना पक्कै...

अकाशबाट झरिरहेका पानी का थोपा,
अनि आँखाले बनाई दिएकी ती झर्ना,
र अन्योल मा परेकी मेरी  मन,
टुलुटुलु ऐना मा हेरि आफुलाई नियलिरहेको यो मेरो अवस्था,

अाफूलाई नै ती गहन प्रस्नहरुको,
व्यंग्यले हानिरहेको थिए एक पछी अर्को गरि,
गल्ती हजार भएका रहेछन जानी नजानी,
तर बितेका कुरा कस्ले बदल्न सक्छ र,
केबल भबिस्य नै रहेछ अब हात मा...

पानी पछीको खुला अकास जस्तै,
अबका मेरा बिचार र मन,
प्रार्थना गर्दै संकल्प लियो यो मनले,
कि म बाट फेरि कहिले नहोस् ती भुलहरु।